Monte Carlo Control Methods

Date: 2018-07-01

In this notebook, we cover Monte Carlo control methods where our task is to find the optimal policy to solve Black Jack.

A Cartoon image of Monte Carlo Control:

mc control ink image

See Also

Import Libraries

import sys from collections import defaultdict, deque import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import gym from plot_utils import plot_blackjack_values, plot_policy

Create Gym Environment

# env = gym.make('FrozenLake8x8-v0') env = gym.make('Blackjack-v0') print('state space: {}'.format(env.observation_space)) print('action space: {}'.format(env.action_space)) state space: Tuple(Discrete(32), Discrete(11), Discrete(2)) action space: Discrete(2) state = env.reset() while True: action = env.action_space.sample() next_state, reward, done, info = env.step(action) if done: print(reward) break

Explore-Exploit Dilemma

If the agent chooses to only explore the environment, then it will not learn anything and if it only chooses to exploit, it will learn a sub-optimal policy because it wouldn’t see states that could lead to better policies.


We use epsilon-greedy policy to allow agent do a lot more exploration for initial episodes and, as the agent collects more experience, we decay eps (epsilon) to reduce exploration and increase exploitation. For eps probability, we select action uniformly at random (explore) and for 1-eps probability, we select action that maximises the Q (exploit).

eps decay effect

First-Visit Incremental Implementation (W=1)

action-values are estimated after each episode instead of waiting for all episodes to finish.

Q(St,At)=Q(St,At)+1N(St,At)(GtQ(St,At))\begin{aligned} Q(S_t,A_t) = Q(S_t, A_t) + \frac{1}{N(S_t,A_t)}(G_t - Q(S_t,A_t)) \end{aligned}

def eps_greedy(env, eps, state, Q): rnd = np.random.randn() if state in Q: if rnd < eps: action = env.action_space.sample() else: action = np.argmax(Q[state]) else: action = env.action_space.sample() return action def generate_episode(env, Q, eps): state = env.reset() episode = [] while True: action = eps_greedy(env, eps, state, Q) next_state, reward, done, info = env.step(action) episode.append((state, action, reward)) state = next_state if done: break return episode def first_visit_mc_control_incremental(env, num_episodes, eps=1.0, eps_decay=0.9999, min_eps=0.05, gamma=1.0): nA = env.action_space.n Q = defaultdict(lambda: np.zeros(nA)) N = defaultdict(lambda: np.zeros(nA)) eps = 1.0 for i in range(1, num_episodes+1): if i % 1000 == 0: print('\rProgress: {}/{}'.format(i, num_episodes), end="") sys.stdout.flush() eps = max(eps * eps_decay, min_eps) # Generate episopde episode = generate_episode(env, Q, eps) # Update Q values states, actions, rewards = zip(*episode) discounts = np.array([gamma ** i for i in range(len(rewards) + 1)]) N_i = defaultdict(lambda: np.zeros(nA)) for idx, state in enumerate(states): action = actions[idx] if N_i[state][action] == 0: N_i[state][action] = 1 N[state][action] += 1 G = sum(rewards[idx:] * discounts[:-(idx+1)]) Q[state][action] += 1/N[state][action] * (G - Q[state][action]) policy = {state:np.argmax(actions) for state, actions in Q.items()} return policy, Q policy, Q = first_visit_mc_control_incremental(env, 500000) Progress: 500000/500000 # obtain the corresponding state-value function V_to_plot = {state: np.max(actions) for state, actions in Q.items()} # plot the state-value function plot_blackjack_values(V_to_plot)


Every-Visit Incremental

def every_visit_mc_control_incremental(env, num_episodes, eps=1.0, eps_decay=0.9999, min_eps=0.05, gamma=1.0): nA = env.action_space.n Q = defaultdict(lambda: np.zeros(nA)) N = defaultdict(lambda: np.zeros(nA)) eps = 1.0 for i in range(1, num_episodes+1): if i % 1000 == 0: print('\rProgress: {}/{}'.format(i, num_episodes), end="") sys.stdout.flush() eps = max(eps * eps_decay, min_eps) # Generate epispde episode = generate_episode(env, Q, eps) # Update Q values states, actions, rewards = zip(*episode) discounts = np.array([gamma ** i for i in range(len(rewards) + 1)]) for idx, state in enumerate(states): action = actions[idx] N[state][action] += 1 G = sum(rewards[idx:] * discounts[:-(idx+1)]) Q[state][action] += 1/N[state][action] * (G - Q[state][action]) policy = {state:np.argmax(actions) for state, actions in Q.items()} return policy, Q policy, Q = every_visit_mc_control_incremental(env, 500000) # obtain the corresponding state-value function V_to_plot = {state: np.max(actions) for state, actions in Q.items()} # plot the state-value function plot_blackjack_values(V_to_plot) Progress: 500000/500000


Constant - α\alpha

With constant-alpha, we introduce another hyperparameter to choose how much weight should be given to the recent returns.

Q(St,At)=Q(St,At)+α(GtQ(St,At))\begin{aligned} Q(S_t,A_t) = Q(S_t, A_t) + \alpha(G_t - Q(S_t,A_t)) \end{aligned}

constant alpha ink image

First-Visit constantαconstant\, -\, \alpha

def first_visit_mc_control_const_alpha(env, num_episodes, eps=1.0, eps_decay=0.9999, eps_min=0.5, alpha=0.01, gamma=1.0): nA = env.action_space.n Q = defaultdict(lambda: np.zeros(nA)) for i in range(num_episodes): if i % 1000 == 0: print('\rProgress:{}/{}'.format(i, num_episodes), end="") sys.stdout.flush() eps = max(eps * eps_decay, eps_min) episodes = generate_episode(env, Q, eps) # Update Q values states, actions, rewards = zip(*episodes) discounts = np.array([gamma ** i for i in range(len(rewards) + 1)]) N_i = defaultdict(lambda: np.zeros(nA)) for idx, state in enumerate(states): action = actions[idx] if N_i[state][action] == 0: N_i[state][action] = 1 G = sum(rewards[idx:] * discounts[:-(idx+1)]) Q[state][action] += alpha * (G - Q[state][action]) policy = {state:np.argmax(actions) for state, actions in Q.items()} return policy, Q policy, Q = first_visit_mc_control_const_alpha(env, 500000) # obtain the corresponding state-value function V_to_plot = {state: np.max(actions) for state, actions in Q.items()} # plot the state-value function plot_blackjack_values(V_to_plot) Progress:499000\500000


Every-Visit constantαconstant \, - \,\alpha

def every_visit_mc_control_const_alpha(env, num_episodes, eps=1.0, eps_decay=0.99999, eps_min=0.5, alpha=0.01, gamma=1.0): nA = env.action_space.n Q = defaultdict(lambda: np.zeros(nA)) for i in range(num_episodes): if i % 1000 == 0: print('\rProgress:{}/{}'.format(i, num_episodes), end="") sys.stdout.flush() eps = max(eps * eps_decay, eps_min) episodes = generate_episode(env, Q, eps) # Update Q values states, actions, rewards = zip(*episodes) discounts = np.array([gamma ** i for i in range(len(rewards) + 1)]) for idx, state in enumerate(states): action = actions[idx] G = sum(rewards[idx:] * discounts[:-(idx+1)]) Q[state][action] += alpha * (G - Q[state][action]) policy = {state:np.argmax(actions) for state, actions in Q.items()} return policy, Q policy, Q = every_visit_mc_control_const_alpha(env, 500000) # obtain the corresponding state-value function V_to_plot = {state: np.max(actions) for state, actions in Q.items()} # plot the state-value function plot_blackjack_values(V_to_plot) Progress:499000/500000


See Also